A few moments ago, it has been said by Celina Powell that she slept together with Snoop Dogg and she was blasted by him back then and he also said that she has been lying. As of the holidays, Snoop did not get a better gift than the brand new video from Celina in which more details were given by her about the alleged things that happen between the two a few whiles ago. Celina Powell Slams Snoop Dogg with New Sexual Encounter Details.

One can remember Celina Powell probably because she almost took the initiative to Offset and Cardi B’s marriage.

A video has surfaced in which she has been saying that Snoop did address and coked more details about the encounter that happened between them.

It was commented by someone that she had an empty soul throughout the video with awkward stares and fake laughs pointed out at the camera which revealed the fact that she was not happy with herself. The fan also mentioned clout as one of the dangerous drugs.

According to a follower on Youtube, Coke is an old thing like Lmao but you can expect different things from Snoop D O double G. It is not weird to cuddle. The fans said that they neither drink a lot nor they are on drugs so one has to have some real issues of mf and go to a therapist. The fan also said he viewed the video in which she was shown being raped and it is very much understandable that it has affected her as she is very young. She is a smart and beautiful woman. She is worth more than what she is getting. One day, surely, she will be sure to realize that. The fan also expressed love towards her and wished her to do better in the future.

Another person mentioned that she has been lying. There is quite a lot of proof that she lied quite often. An admission came from her that she faked that she has a baby and lied continuously for 9 months. The technique is very old. To make the lie believable, something outlandish and embarrassing has been said. Then people will start believing in you. She has been a cum rag all these years. It is a trash thing to support such behavior for a mere ‘bag’ by the females is quite silly.

It has been posted by someone else that Snoop is loved by him multiple times black men are preached by him along with black girls as Kayne was not a black girl. He has cheated on his wife quite often. He does not respect the sanctity provided by marriage with a white girl. He has been a hypocrite. He does not have the right to talk and he has not shown any respect and honors for the African queen who is black. It is not new. Out of everyone, the black woman gets the worst treatment. It is up to snoop to practice rather than preach and keep his mouth shut according to the fan.

It is up to the fans to find out whether truth is coming out of Celina or she has been lying.
Sunday, May 5, 2024