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The once-small group No Refund will soon change the game where they become the major voice of the youth of America through their extraordinary rap songs. They recently turned up the show for them with the latest release ‘Coffee Table Freestyle' which is suggested to be a freestyle rap performance as the title goes. It is predominated by personally referred events and experience of the two rappers of the next- big rap group that makes s it more palpable and rational with the current situation of the majority of the youth.

The indigenous artists of America, No Refund first came into existence when the two underdog artists instantly made a bonding for the same fervor for hip hop music and the same dreams that kept them alive in traumatic, despondent situations. They recently jot down all the original compositions with the collective efforts and made their first move towards global recognition by releasing the debut EP Trash The Soundtrack at the beginning of February.

Coffee Table Freestyle' (under the label name OOGA BOOGA x ROOFUS) carries out the obsession of the artists in the field of old school freestyle hip hop. They have carried out a smooth rap flow that reflects their present interests and perils. Their debut EP has listed two tracks THANK U 4 UR CERVIX, untitled (69).wav which received mega support from all the hip hop lovers. No Refund has proved to be a versatile source in music as they have exuberant experience in playing with all the different elements of hip hop music. Currently, they are more focused on trap and trash music. The songs they make can be more authentic than most of the projects with big names. Check out the new head-banging single on SoundCloud all this month and keep up with the upcoming powerhouse of rapping to know about all the latest works.

Hip hop music lover must listen to No Refund's track  on soundcloud

Friday, May 10, 2024