Powerful hip hop with subtle musicality and enthralling presentation – the tracks crafted by the talented New York rapper YounG YoGi are the epitome of these facts.

YounG YoGi

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]tarting with delicate yet powerful beats and cool notes, followed up by a soothing and enchanting backdrop, the track ‘Kisses’ is about how the narrator’s picked him up during tough times through the catchy and groovy vibes. This is just the start; with ‘It’s a Vibe’ and the six more upcoming tracks of the EP, ‘Pilgrimage’, the New York rapper is set to make the audience fall in love with him all over again. An artist of immense potential and confidence, YounG YoGi has been mesmerizing the audience with his tracks for so long now, and the audience just cannot get enough of him.

With tracks like ‘THEY DON’T KNO’, ‘SOMETHING REAL’, ‘GET IT’, ‘RUNNING MAN’, ‘AK’, ‘My Light’, etc., the artist has already made a huge fan base. These tracks reflect the amount of artistry and creativity possessed by the artist. And, the way he has projected his immense talent and love for the genre through his tracks, is something breathtaking and worth spending time for. From rhythmical delicacy to weighty backdrop – every element has been effectively utilized by this immensely talented artist. He has poured his creations with enchanting sound design and stunning soundscapes. Each creation of him demands attention from the audience.

Inspired by the work of J. Cole, Nas, and Kendrick Lamar, YounG YoGi has always been looking to paint stories through his creations and make the words do the rest of the magic. And, he has certainly been able to do that. With the intention of connecting more to the audience and making them feel the reality of music, he makes his tracks focused on the pains of modern life and addiction. His tracks are examples of artistic purity and creative bliss. Audiences can listen to his tracks on the digital music streaming platform of SoundCloud and follow him on Instagram for more information.

Listen to all tracks click on given below link:
Thursday, May 9, 2024