Gods Soul (Xander Cross)

A beautifully integrated emotional but intense soundscape comprises upcoming artist Gods Soul (Xander Cross)’s a creative arc of hip-hop. He is a man of ideals who has put his interpretations of life and experiences into a trail of visionary lyrics, unknowingly compelling the audience to submerge in this stream of musical transcendence. His soundscape follows the creative standardizations of hip-hop but consists of an innate eccentricity that sets him apart from the rest. A strong believer in God and a dutiful and responsible family fan, his music is a silent tribute to his family who has been one of the biggest inspirations in his journey as a musician and artist.

This Los Angeles hip hop artist’s musical concepts follow the thematic intensity of the genre while retaining a strain of individualism. His creative scope is far and wide that has formulated and released many hits like ‘BLM’, ‘Live Your Life’, ‘Quarantine Freestyle’, and ‘Elmer Fudd’ among many others. Considering his friend his Alexander Da Great as his biggest inspirations, he has imbibed the passion and conviction to achieve greatness. His musical expressions are diverse and are created from his emotional experiences and aim at circulating positivity and optimism all around.

His name is an acronym for ‘Great Ones Die Soon Others Understand Life’ that leads to Gods Soul (Xander Cross) as his creative alter ego. Making a soundscape that is relatable to all, he was able to bridge the gap with his audience as his fan base is currently at an exponential rise. A hip-hop saga that transcends personal and cultural scopes in the purest and pristine ways, he sure has a long way to go. He has discovered the balance between a creative and personal connection that is captivatingly reflected in his soundscape of music, lyrics, and rhythm. Follow him on Soundcloud for more contemporary hip-hop brilliance.

The new the hip hop icon, Gods Soul (Xander Cross) release his songs on Soundcloud: 

Friday, May 17, 2024