jay beeThe polymath of the newfangled South Carolina hip hop artist Jay bee will surprise the neoteric hip hop lovers with his pristine voice and guts to rap about the unhinged reality in his new song ‘Yesterday’. Frustrated from all the troubles he faced in his life to survive as a musician standing alone with his only passion to mumble about the real events and the pain of a lonely wolf, and his independent music gave him a hard to flourish as a full-fledged rap singer. Soon he gets signed by Youngheroes and makes this beautiful song with honest words that he believes. With a hope to shine through the dark fog of uncertainty, he tries to grow up as the artist of the people’s choice.

For Jay bee, he thinks music is where his heart is. With stories that are still unspoken and thoughts that silently eat the flesh on bones, he makes a dark single titled Yesterday. Its strong bassline and his amazing touches of narration make the song a unique production far-flung from his neophyte attempts to carry the traces of pastiche from his influence. He knows how to live inside the glass walls with no protection. He develops the nature of ambiguity to survive and stay away from guilt. The latest track ejects out his suppressed thoughts about yesterday’s regrets and tomorrow’s hope with blistering rap verses.

He learned to be patient and carry on with his hustle for life. Music gives him power and kills all the demons inside his head that want to hurt him like a slow and insignificant parasite. ‘Da After Life’ is released as his latest track that's imbibed in all the sadness and depression he wants to get rid of. His life has become a rollercoaster after ‘’Hidden Riches’ got out. Get all the new singles and notifications about his upcoming projects from his Soundcloud profile.

Listen to this song only on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user675218014/yesterday
Friday, May 10, 2024