LYANDRA makes a stunning debut in the hip-hop world with her debut album ‘Lotus’ that shows she is more than ready to take over the genre with her uniqueness.


Serving as the perfect example of perseverance through adversity, British and Nigerian rapper LYANDRA is making it inevitable to ignore her characteristics as she storms into the scene with her debut album ‘Lotus. The talented artist is driven by her hustler spirit and refuses to be static as she explores the diversity of the genre in her very first project. She is a woman who is confident in her style and lets her boldness shine through in her project. The EP comprises of songs like ‘Dreams’, ‘Strip Down’, ‘Flippd it’, and ‘vibez’, each of which has been carefully mastered to highlight her explicit qualities. With a mixture of Afro and catchy hip-hop beats, the rapper shares her struggles with utmost honesty.

LYANDRA sounds natural and there’s no point in which she lends on any repetitive sound to tell her story. Her songwriting encourages young black women to step up and overcome their struggles. The album ‘Lotus’ comprises ten hitting songs and focuses on the ups and downs of life. It tells a story of a woman who is fighting against all odds to heal from a traumatic past and emerging stronger than ever. The lotus flower resembles the human condition - even though its roots are in the dirtiest waters, it produces the most beautiful flower. Lyandra reflects on the same thought in her production. Hear them out on Spotify and follow her on Instagram for more updates.

Listen to her album on Spotify:
Thursday, May 9, 2024