The New York Hiphop Artist Smoov Bully presents a very energetic, powerful and motivational playlist ‘Top of the West Volume1’. It consists of six songs.

[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ip-hop, over the last two decades, has become one of the most trending genres in the music world. Artists from different parts of the world have given many songs that have led the genre to the top position. To carry forward the growth of the genre and leave his own mark on it, the artist Smoov Bully has given a very powerful playlist Top of the West Volume 1. It consists of 6 songs all the songs are very powerful, energetic, and have a strong message to share with the listeners. In addition, the energy of the artist gives the songs a freshness that was much-needed in the genre.

All the songs in the album have got some strengthening support from the music. It concentrates the attention of the listeners to the rap of the songs. It is catchy and engaging too. The background music essentially has become the backbone of the songs. The song ‘Blood In Tha Leaves’ and ‘Do This Shit’ are songs that can energize anyone. ‘Do You Love Me’ and ‘Brush it Off’ are the songs that acquaint the lighteners with the versatility of his voice. The feeling that the New York Hiphop Artist has incorporated in the former song brings the real difference in the song.

The rap and style of singing are beyond any question. He, as a singer has already given many performances that make people look forward to his songs. However, this playlist has brought pure talent out of him. The use of poetic techniques in rap is brilliant and praiseworthy. The kind of vibe he creates with his energy shows his effort to make a song livelier. ‘Top of the West Volume 1’ is now available on SoundCloud. To get to know the quality of his music, further follow Smoov Bully on his Instagram.

Check out to listen this song 'Top of the West' by Smoov Bully:
Thursday, May 9, 2024