Christian Krauter

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]usic is the universal language that needs no explanation to make a place in the hearts of countless music lovers all over the world. Talented DJ and music producer has been making quite the buzz among global electronic dance music enthusiasts with his extraordinary compositions. He has recently dropped his dubstep masterpiece, D O Y O U, which has a prominent essence of house beats in its resonance. The track offers a wonderful thrilling experience that rocks all the senses of the listeners. His next creation, House Disco Saws’ is another brilliant number that compels the audience with its hypnotizing rhythmic loop.

Born in Klagenfurt, Austria, the naturally talented musician spent many years of his life traveling the world. He finally settled in Australia and decided to try his hands at music-making, which has always been one of the most important things in his life. Christian Krauter utilizes his vast knowledge and understanding of music and rhythms that he had acquired over the years to develop a brilliant soundscape that brought his massive recognition and fame across the world. Starting his official music career in 2017, the Queensland Dj Christian Krauter has come a long way gaining a huge number of plays on his music on major streaming platforms.

The self-made musician has a unique creative process that makes his creations so incredible and interesting. He is always trying to introduce newer elements in his songs and execute them with perfection. In his two newly released singles, ‘D O Y O U’ and ‘House Disco Saws’ he has two totally different thematic approaches that have been presented with intense energy and passion. The rhythmic weave along with the amazing build-ups and drops can easily put them on the list of the top-rated EDM numbers of this season. The songs are available on SoundCloud and YouTube. Follow his website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for more information.

For more tracks, check out the given below link:
Thursday, May 9, 2024