‘RED PILL VOLUME 3’ is something that can be loved from the very beginning, without knowing anything about the architects behind. The sound of this musical wonder speaks for itself, which is a rare quality. The creators behind this musical piece, HARMACISTS has managed to earn a huge response from the music industry. The Dubstep specialists have left no stones unturned in making it one of the biggest hits of this year and a perfect gift to the fans at the end of the year. Their inarguable artistry is the true highlight of this 30+ minute’s long musical piece.

The long-running minutes of the track don’t take away the true essence of this track, rather it adds to the flow of the track that is blissful to experience. The moments are filled with heavy bars that have the power to thrill you to the heart. The weighty bass cannot be taken lightly as well. These have added spice and magnificence to the entire arrangement. The structural buildup around the backdrop of this track is something extraordinary and cannot be ignored at all. The energy, the intensity, the passion – everything is simply superb and has increased the impact cast by it.

The detailed work and the professionalism present within RED PILL VOLUME 3’ provide a hint of the artistry of the group. The fine balance between the contrasting elements of this track has provided an oddly satisfying essence to it that is strange yet pleasurable. The tracks crafted by HARMACISTS are perfect for parties as these bring out the inner dancer and don’t let you sit quietly. The moments of energy present within the group’s tracks followed by a powerful backdrop and a buildup that is mighty in all aspects – this is what true artistry feels like. Tune in to SoundCloud to witness more of such kinds of tracks.

To listen this track click the given link :

Wednesday, May 15, 2024