Rob Munro


The track ‘Dying Bed’ is the opening chapter of the artist’s upcoming album that has created a great buzz around its release. It is an intricate piece of sound that has offered multiple sections of powerful instrumentation through the fascinating work of the artists. The juxtaposition between melody and heavy-weight sound design has made the entire presentation much more intense and enchanting. Rob Munro, the Vocalist/Lyricist has worked his magic through the arrangement of this track. Collaborating with Tony Rosacci (Guitarist/Producer), James Steinbacher (Keyboardist/Engineer), and guest vocalist Katelynn Roberts, the Colorado metal vocalist has simply stunned the audiences with this amazing piece of sound.

The meandering melody of the leading vocal line and the guitar riffs perfectly reflect the underlying concept. Pivoting the relationship of a father and his daughter, where the father is literally in his Dying Bed’ and is worrying over the fact that whether or not he has been a good father to the daughter, this track is a gloomy representation of the mentioned concept. The structure of the track is heavy, due to its concept as well as the instrumentation. The poetic reflection of the track has exploded into the musical scene and enthralled the listeners with intense screams.

Dying Bed

The subject matter doesn’t give mercy to the listeners; you are bound to get struck by the emotional rollercoaster ride that will tear up your soul.  Rob Munro has gone out of his artistic boundaries to craft a track that none will be able to consume after a single listen. Each moment brings something gloomier to the table, perfectly reflected through the performances of the artist. The soundscape rightfully envelopes the minds of the listeners and never loosens the grip. You can sign up for the digital streaming platform of SoundCloud to listen to the rest of the tracks of the upcoming album. Visit Facebook and Instagram for more.

Listen to the track ‘Dying Bed’ on Soundcloud:
Thursday, May 16, 2024