Crystal Nolan

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he prolific musician, Crystal Nolan has treated the audiences with unique vibes of future soul and gospel instrumentals. She has rocked her fans with the amazing track Translucent’ that has a mind-blowing rhythm. The brilliant track is released by the futuristic music label ‘GESM’ that has got top-notch facilities. The musician belongs to Oklahoma and her love of Jesus, God and the heavenly angels has promoted her to dish out enchanting music with flabbergasting beats. The word GESM goes like God’s Elemental Sound Music and she is of the firm belief that everything that is seen and felt through the senses is created by God. She has incorporated this belief in all her tracks and packed in a lot of punches with her unique style.

The track, ‘Translucent’ has got strong melodies. The musician, Crystal Nolan has stamped her authority in the gospel music scene. The fans can catch a glimpse of the music video of the track by logging on to the Facebook page of the artist. She will be coming up with her forthcoming album that is very aptly titled ‘Ultra GESM’. It is going to be a gem of an album that will have sounds of future soul and there will be class written all over it. The Christian musician is a kind person and has tremendous love for music. One can know more about the artist through her Facebook profile.

Her love and reverence for God, the heavenly angels, and also Jesus has helped her in coming out victorious from all challenges thrown at her by life and it has reflected in the track. They have been a huge inspiration in her life and made her invent ways to come up with brilliant Gospel Elemental Sound Music (GESM). Currently, she has been working on the forthcoming video. The tracks by the artists are streamed on Soundcloud.

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Saturday, May 4, 2024