In the past, exercising was simple. You just put your shoes on and run until you need to stop! Although it was simple, it wasn't necessarily effective. Luckily, the influx of new technology in the dawn of the 21st century has allowed fitness enthusiasts to incorporate state-of-the-art technology into their fitness routines. The invention of workout performance tracking like heart rate sensors, body composition tests, and new equipment and machines has enabled people to take their training to the next level.

The SmartFitCube is an innovative state-of-the-art piece of equipment that implements the latest technology to improve your day-to-day workout training. Using the mobile application which is connected with a smart sensor on SmartFitCube, you can track your heart rate to gauge a better idea of how you are training. For example, working at 60-70% of your max heart rate is often regarded as the optimal zone for fat loss.



As well as measuring your heart rate, the SmartFitCube can also measure your weight so that you can track your progress from session to session. Whether you're trying to lose fat or gain muscle, the SmartFitCube will allow you to consistently and accurately track your progress.

One of the most fundamental aspects of bodyweight training is progressive overload. This essentially means that over time you slowly make your workouts harder and harder. The SmartFitCube comes with a convenient piece of technology that can actually track your reps. This means that tracking your workouts can be incredibly easy, which allows you to implement progressive overload.



No matter your goals or what you are training for, the SmartFitCube and its gadgets will undoubtedly allow you to take your training to the next level. If you want to train more efficiently and effectively and make tracking your workouts more effortless, then the SmartFitCube is the answer. After all, you shouldn't have to work hard to track your progress; save the hard work for working out!

What is SmartFitCube?

SmartFitCube is a cube-shaped, multipurpose exercise frame that can be easily set up at home, in schools, in public parks, and in gyms.

It is easy to deploy and assemble due to its innovative quick-connect mechanism and equipped with sensors communicating with smartphones or smartwatches via Bluetooth to monitor exercise efficiency and track training data.
Tuesday, May 7, 2024