Dennis L Binder Jr

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]ncreasing rates of taxation always hinder the Middle class & working poor with their monetary plans. Although people from the upper class do not feel the hike, the middle-class and working class are the most affected. Concerns about taxation have always been addressed by renowned economists worldwide; however, the author Dennis L Binder Jr. has not only discussed the problems but also has suggested ligitimate solutions in the book ‘DOES GOD LOVE THE WEALTHY MORE THAN THE MIDDLE CLASS? Revised edition’. The book has touched and analyzed different aspects of the problem in detail.

It talks about tax rates, hikes, creating jobs through curbing the rates and overall economic growth. Furthermore, the author keeps his opinion on Individual Freedom, capitalism, immigration, crime, socialism, terrorism, climate change and more. Besides, the book is written in the simplest format to make it more comprehensive to all kinds of readers. The subtitle of the book is ‘How Taxation affects the Economy & the Importance of Individual Freedom’. And author Dennis L Binder Jr. stands by his purpose with his book. So, read this book, as it is one of the most detailed analyses on a particular topic.  To know more about him follow him on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

You can purchase the book on Amazon:
Thursday, May 2, 2024