Yael S. Hacohen

A poet and female commander in the Israeli Defense Forces presents an original perspective from the war-torn front lines of the Middle East conflict in her latest book The Dove That Didn't Return. The poet, Yael S. Hacohen is making her debut with this full-length collection of eerily written poetries that showcases the reality of the war from a female point of view. The contemporary poetics from the harsh reality is presented from a female perspective, which has never been presented before. War poems and stories have always been dominated by male authors. So now this new outlook will not only inspire people but will make them aware of the reality that women in the Middle East, especially soldiers have faced.

‘The Dove That Didn't Return’ includes biblical stories, verses, and fragments that are re-written through the eyes of a woman, who is facing the stark reality of Middle Eastern war. The author beautifully pens down the collection of poetry pieces from her real-life experiences of witnessing many wars in her lifetime. Throughout her life, the doctorate has been witnessing war and its horrors so the author wishes for nothing more than peace and that is what she reflects on her latest book. You can find the author on Facebook and Instagram, and get the book on Amazon, and Branes & Noble.

Check out the book here:

Saturday, Apr 27, 2024