Bright Waste

The creative awareness of lyrical and musical bundles in artist Arm-ond Blue’s exceptional soundscape brews a fusion between R&B, alternative, and bedroom pop.

The creative legacy of music’s collective evolution is being taken forward by upcoming, Texas Singer Arm-ond Blue. He has put together the eccentric virtues of various genres like R&B, bedroom pop, and sadcore and defined his sounds like a mystic and transgressive progression. He has also infused lyrical connection in his wordplay that beautifully supplies the strength to his tracks to identify themselves by individual streaks. A soundscape so compelling and age-defying, that his songs give his audience the closure of satisfaction. From the concepts of rhythmic interceptions to the use of backing instrumentals and modulations, the whole experience is transformed into a dream-pop scope that beautifully passes through the transcendence of human conscience.

The artist from Texas is associated with label house Olivarez and has carefully sown his interpretations of life and existence into a gradient of creative expressions. A one-man-band pushing the virtues of music-making by his own hands, he is insightful and knowledgeable when it comes to putting together lyrical and musical introspection into structured songs. Some of his songs like ‘Bright Waste’, ‘old friend’, ‘Human’, and ‘Lost’ capture the essence of life and personal freedom in a symbiotic match. When venturing outside of known standards, it is risky to attempt something out-of-the-box especially for an upcoming artist such as him. However, with steady hands and conviction in his work, he emerged victorious with his music and unconventional sound.

Arm-ond Blue’s journey may have started not very long ago but his aspirations and sense of accomplishment will take him to touch the global platform. As he moves further into the generic flow of music’s bigger-than-life stature, he is picking up some of the most valuable wisdom and knowledge of sound sculptures, rhythmic rotations, electronic dynamics, and more. Follow this work of some of the most glorious and quirky sound mixes of the extant musical era on Soundcloud, Spotify, and Instagram.

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Tuesday, May 14, 2024