Last month Dardoch was removed from TSM and certainly, his position in the League Championship Series was shaking. But it was not even as long as a day that the former TSM junglerDardoch was picked up by a new team to secure him a place in the league that everyone is frenzied about. Dardoch Joined TheDignitas Roster For The 2020 League Championship Series Summer Split and this could be his final home for this controversial season.

 It all started with an accidental clip on May 11, 2020. The president of TMS, LeenaXu’s statement was leaked where she mentioned that no one would like to pick up the too young jungler of 22 years while one of Doublelift’s streams was going on. After the statement was leaked, her reputation was tarnished as the community started to severely backlash her and criticized the TSM management due to bring bad effects to Dardoch’s potential leverage in contract negotiations.

After the whole scandalous leak caught under fire, the TSM founder and CEO Andy “Reginald” Dinh took action and came clean in front of the media saying that he had a word with the former jungler about the whole situation and made sure he did not be in an uncomfortable place. He worked it out with Dardoch so that he could land on his feet for the upcoming Summer Split. According to what LeenaXu said just before the league was around the corner made everyone believe that TSM has tried to remove Dardoch. Dardoch joined the team last November before the summer split. Though the luck of TMS was not favoring them as they finished fourth in the LCS Spring Playoffs with players like Dardoch and recently-signed Misfits ADC Kobbe.

It seems like Dardoch cannot find a permanent place in a team because he has changed five other teams over the last three years since he was introduced. While his time in TMS, he managed 33 kills, 115 assists, and the seventh-most deaths in the LCS.

The scoreboard went down with each progressing match and the team performed inconsistently during the Spring Split. They played really bad moves that ended up in losing matches against below 0.500 teams. The only glory they could be proud of was being the only team to beat Cloud9. Several defeats threw them on the fifth spot in the regular season but could not survive the whole league. They lost their chance to FlyQuest in the second round of the playoff losers bracket.

As TSM has replaced their jungle, Dardoch has joined a new team that has experienced players like Aphromoo and Froggen and young, hungry ADC in Johnsun. The only drawback that the Dignitas management needs to back up is the top lane since the team said it’d allow former star Huni to explore other opportunities in April.

Dardoch was not one of the greatest splits but he was a reliable asset for the TSM players. TSM has surprised the community by replacing its reliable jungle just after one split. From the past few years, replacing players has become a significant pattern of the team. It is very confusing to see TSM keeps replacing their members after just one split. With such a strategy, it will be hard for TSM to go a long way at the international tournaments because all the teams are working on their old members to brush them up before the league starts instead of getting new people after a single match.

It will be an interesting catch to see how TSM keeps all the drama inside the basket after such loss in LCS’s spring split. They need to come up with out of the box strategies to win the Summer Split as many people have gone against the team for replacing Dardoch most unexpectedly. The league starts in one month and people will get all the nitty-gritty details in the next few days about the teams from their kitchen. The 2020 LCS Summer Split will begin on Friday, June 12.
Thursday, May 9, 2024